Remembering the fallen

Remembering the fallen

Remembering the fallen Kevin Cheung Memorial Day is a time for Americans to reconnect with our history and core values by honoring those who gave their lives for our country’s ideals. This Memorial Day, we are especially grateful as we celebrate the life of one of our...
PSC celebrates 26 years

PSC celebrates 26 years

PSC celebrates 26 years Alex Boyd, PSCPresident & CEO May 22, 1995, is PSC’s birthday when founders Tony Armstrong and Ranil De Silva wrote the first chapter of PSC’s history in New Zealand. Since then –  supported by our amazing clients and dedicated...
PSC celebrates Earth Day

PSC celebrates Earth Day

PSC celebrates Earth Day Tim Ritchie ​PSC’s contribution to addressing climate change is helping you power a more sustainable world and on April 22 we are celebrating Earth Day.  Earth Day was born 51 years ago, in 1970. Since then it has grown into a global...
PSC brand refresh

PSC brand refresh

PSC brand refresh Tim Ritchie We’re excited to unveil our refreshed brand identity. It’s not a major change. We’re just implementing some new elements – a fresh coat of paint, if you will – in terms of our voice and visual branding. With this refresh, we...
New U.S. administration seeks net-zero by 2050

New U.S. administration seeks net-zero by 2050

New U.S. administration seeks net-zero by 2050 Kevin Cheung President Joe Biden and his administration have pledged to simultaneously rebuild the US economy and address the threat of climate change. Early signs show he’s “walking the talk” with recent Executive Order...
PSC’s 2020 highlights: An exceptional year in review

PSC’s 2020 highlights: An exceptional year in review

PSC’s 2020 highlights: An exceptional year in review Alex Boyd, PSC President & CEO 2020 has been exceptional in many ways. I was honored to present the keynote speech at the IET conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection in early March. It was...