Health & Safety Policy
Our Vision
To empower people to transform the energy industry so that, together, we will power a sustainable world.
The energy transition is vital to our future and we are compelled to make a difference.
Our Commitments
- We commit to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health
- We commit to provide workplaces, over which PSC has control, that are safe for workers, visitors and the public
- We commit to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks as far as reasonably practicable
- We commit to consultation and participation of workers and/or workers’ representatives and the promotion of health, safety, welfare and rehabilitation of all staff
- We commit to fulfill applicable local legal and other requirements such as codes of practice and safe operating procedures
- We commit to continual improvement of the OH&S management system through the regular review of policies and procedures.
PSC will achieve and maintain excellence in safety and health by:
- Following hazard identification procedures to manage existing and new workplace hazards
- Ensuring that all staff are adequately trained and are competent to perform the work entrusted to them
- Ensuring staff are provided with adequate prescribed personal protective equipment for which the use is mandatory
- Ensuring all injuries, illnesses and incidents are accurately reported
- Ensuring our health and safety policy and procedures apply to all PSC employees including temporary staff and contractors.
Reviewed February 2025