Electranet is the Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) for South Australia. They provide electricity transmission for South Australia’s major load centres and generators, including synchronous (gas-turbine and coal-fired) and asynchronous (wind and solar) generators as well as the mining, manufacturing and telecommunications industries in South Australia. ElectraNet is also the largest connector of wind generation in Australia.
SIMEC Energy Australia is delivering a 280 MW solar farm, connecting in South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula that once constructed will generate electricity to the National Electricity Market (NEM) via the existing Cultana 275 kV Substations.
As the TNSP, Electranet requires all new generators seeking connection to submit a connection application including network studies and other evidence to support the new generator’s ability to meet the proposed Generator Performance Standards (GPS). Electranet engaged PSC to perform due diligence studies to verify the applicant’s project – in this case the Cultana Solar Farm – would meet their proposed GPS before connection to the South Australian transmission network and the NEM. This work included checking to ensure that the application package was complete and within AEMO and NER guidelines, as well as repeating a sub-set of the Proponent studies to ensure their accuracy and conformity to the proposed GPS and NER.
PSC reviewed the Cultana Solar Farm application package and dealt directly with the applicant’s Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) partner to clarify the issues with their submission and worked extensively with them until their GPS and supporting evidence met with all the NER requirements.
Power system studies completed as part of this project included:
- PSSE studies to verify that the proposed generation could meet the requirements of the following clauses from Chapter 5 of the NER:
- S5.2.5.1 – Reactive Power Capability
- S5.2.5.3 – Generating Unit Response to Frequency Disturbance
- S5.2.5.4 – Generating System Response to Voltage Disturbances
- S5.2.5.5 – Generating System Response to Disturbances Following Contingency Events
- S5.2.5.7 – Partial Load Rejection
- S5.2.5.8 – Protection of Generating Systems From Power System Disturbances
- S5.2.5.11 – Frequency Control
- S5.2.5.12 – Impact on Network Capability
- S5.2.5.13 – Voltage and Reactive Power Control
- S5.2.5.14 – Active Power Control
- The Proponent PSCAD model was benchmarked against the PSSE model to ensure the NER requirements were met.
PSC Advantage
PSC’s long track record in working with both Proponents and TNSPs throughout the generator connection process ensures our clients receive the best technical advice, which has resulted in many of our clients like Electranet working with us for more than 15 years. Our power network specialists are expert users of all major power system studies software, including PSSE, PowerFactory and PSCAD. This means our clients can rest assured we have the skills to help them develop, deploy and operate sustainable solutions.
On the Cultana project, PSC’s consultants went beyond performing due diligence and power network studies. By dealing with all parties within a framework of mutual respect and acting as a trusted advisor to Electranet, PSC freed up the client to deal with other business matters knowing this project was in good hands.