The 1st of August 2013 marked an exciting day in the life of the Independent Market Operator of Western Australia (IMO) with the company diversifying into the Western Australian gas market with the implementation of the Gas Services Information (GSI) services and commencement of Gas Bulletin Board (GBB) operations.
It was also a proud day for PSC, with the successful launch of the purpose built GBB systems marking the completion of another high profile industry project and providing transparency to the public on the short and near term natural gas production, transmission and usage throughout the State.
This allowed the team to “do things right, first-time” using automated processes to build, test and deploy the systems.
Another unique dynamic of the project was the IMO’s approach to valuing “quality of delivery” over all other success criteria. This placed a substantial focus on code quality and test coverage, with the team managing to achieve automated test code coverage of 92%.
PSC would like to say a special thanks to Kate Ryan (GBB Project Director), Mark Brodziak (IT Projects Team Leader), Rebecca Denton (Market Analyst) and Laura Koziol (Market Analyst) at the IMO for their hard work on the project.
The IMO is an industry-funded organisation whose role is to develop, operate and evolve the WEM for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) and the Gas Services Information (GSI) Services in Western Australia.
For more information, visit the GBB here.

The IMO and PSC have teamed up again to deliver a quality product for our customers. The GBB delivery has emphasised the value of establishing a long term relationship with a technology partner that understands the IMO business. I congratulate the PSC team on the achievement of delivering the GBB application on time, on budget and to spec