System Studies and Switchgear Specification Overview Power Testing Ltd (PTL) has been engaged by a large secure industrial facility to provide support as part of an investigation to upgrade their 11 kV distribution system. System studies such as load flow analysis...
Protection Grading and Discrimination Studies Overview Power Testing Ltd (PTL) are undertaking works for several large industrial sites to deliver power system reinforcement and upgrades. A component of these works requires studying the existing system and protection...
Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) Simulations PSC recently helped a transmission system operator gain critical insight about the impact of planned underground cable reinforcements in an urban region on the risk of temporary overvoltages in the network, while improving...
EMS Roadmap for ATCO Electric Challenge Utility owners all recognize the importance of maintaining a strategic plan for their EMS and DMS systems, but are often so busy with maintaining the reliable operation of their current system that they don’t have the time or...
Generator Testing for Snowy Hydro Challenge PSC’s Genassure generator testing service and PSS/E modelling team have helped Snowy Hydro obtain a detailed understanding of the generator control systems’ capabilities and characteristics, update their models and complete...