PSC was awarded the role to scope Territory Generation’s Remote Operations Centre (ROC) project in Darwin. The project was to establish the Remote Operations Centre, which centralised operation of TGEN’s portfolio of 8 power stations, comprising of 55 generation units, some located 1,500km from Darwin.
This role was extended to include the Tender, Selection and Contract award stages with Yokogawa Australia being the successful Vendor. PSC was subsequently engaged as the Project Manager for the delivery phase of the project.
The project scope included server and network infrastructure, control room operator work consoles, all HMIs, on site installation and commissioning of 55 units at 8 power stations. The project also included the implementation of the OSIsoft PI data historian making operational data readily available in real time and for on-going event and performance analysis (see trend below).

Andrew Dunn, PSC’s Project Manager on site for two and a half years has now handed over completion of the Project and Contract Management to TGEN personnel