KiwiRail has been undertaking a major set of projects to upgrade the Wellington and Auckland commuter rail networks, and PSC has developed a new passion for rail!
Traction SCADA – Wellington
As part of KiwiRail’s Wellington Region Rail Programme, the system which supplies power to Wellington’s electric trains is being improved to accommodate the increased demand of a new fleet of electric multiple units.
There are 11 new substations around the network in addition to the existing 15, some of which have been in service since the original electrification in the 1940’s. PSC was engaged to investigate the existing systems and equipment and prepare a detailed design report which would be used as the basis for calling tenders for a replacement system.
PSC developed the high-level design of a replacement system to replace all existing facilities and functions, plus extension to the 11 new traction substations, using a new fibre-optic network telecommunications system.
KiwiRail let contracts for the SCADA master station upgrade to RealFlex Technologies Ltd, and for RTUs to Invensys Australia. PSC was then engaged by RealFlex Technologies Limited and Measurement and Control Systems Ltd, the local agents for Invensys RTU products, to provide specialist SCADA services for the work. PSC was also engaged directly by KiwiRail to manage the installation of the new RTUs at various traction substations, and the scope was later increased to include detailed design, procurement and site supervision. The programme of work has been highly successful and is due for completion during 2010.
Train Control and Signalling SCADA – Auckland and Wellington
As part of KiwiRail’s Project DART (Developing Auckland’s Rail Transport Network) and the Wellington Region Rail Programme, PSC has made some significant modifications and enhancements to KiwiRail’s train control and signalling SCADA systems.
PSC was engaged to develop software applications to enable KiwiRail’s systems to interface to and control new generation interlocking and axle counter equipment being installed on the rail network, initially at the Newmarket junction in Auckland and at the Wellington Railway Station. PSC worked closely with KiwiRail and Invensys Rail, the supplier of the interlocking equipment, during the implementation, testing and commissioning of these applications.
PSC also implemented database and display modifications on the SCADA systems to model the new tracks and layouts at Newmarket and Wellington.
Future Projects
PSC is proud to have been able to assist KiwiRail with these projects and looks forward to working further with KiwiRail in the future. PSC will be in there combining our Passion for Power with our new-found love of Rail.