Unravelling the Complexities of Compliance
July 15, 2024

Mikhail Lukianenko & Richard Adams 

Within the domain of relay protection, where ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical networks is paramount, compliance with regulatory standards and industry guidelines is also key. However, the landscape of regulatory documents is not a uniform terrain; rather, it’s a complex matrix of varying requirements, from stringent directives to more ambiguous recommendations. Navigating these can present a formidable challenge for engineers if they are not familiar with them.

Different networks, be they distribution, transmission, or industrial, come with their unique set of requirements dictated by tradition, industry practices, regulation and evolving technological advancements.

Trying to keep up with the times

The crux of the issue lies in the sheer volume and diversity of these standards. Designers are tasked with not only understanding but also staying abreast of a multitude of regulatory documents, which are subject to constant evolution. This can place a heavy burden on professionals in the relay protection industry, often stretching their resources and time, at a time when the networks are undergoing such significant changes to decarbonize the industry.


To add to the above, the utilization of regulatory documents across different networks, even within a single country, often translates into variations in substation design practices. Each set of regulations may dictate specific requirements and standards, leading to bespoke solutions tailored to the particularities of each network, whilst ultimately achieving the same overall aim of protecting the network.

As an example, some utilities apply overcurrent functions with inverse characteristics as a back-up protection for most of the power equipment, whereas others may use definite time overcurrent functions instead. Similarly, the application of main protections such as differential or distance type can be different. Thus, despite the law of physics the design of protection systems may be different for what appear to be similar physical arrangements.

What can be done?

Recognizing that regulatory standards are not likely to be harmonized across different networks/regions, knowledge of the regulations and standards for your region is of paramount importance.

Education and training can also play a vital role in overcoming compliance hurdles, with continuous professional development tailored to the relay protection sector equipping engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

PSC is here to help

In conclusion, the complexities of compliance with regulatory standards and industry guidelines pose significant challenges for the relay protection industry. As a global organization, PSC possesses extensive experience navigating both international standards and local regulatory frameworks, ensuring compliance with meticulous attention to detail. With a successful project history across regions, including the UK, USA, and Australia, as well as territories within the South Pacific, CIS, and the Middle East, our engineers understand the nuanced requirements of each locale. Proficiency in aligning with regulatory documents underscores our commitment to delivering solutions that meet the highest quality and safety standards across global markets.

Learn more about PSC’s Power Protection Services or contact us to find out how we can help.